Judy O’Connell’s presentation “Literacy Remixed in a Web 2.0 World” explains some of the fundamental issues surrounding the use of the read/write web and how it can empower learners to develop literacy skills. In a nutshell, Judy looks at “how the internet has opened almost limitless possibilities for contributing, collaborating and connecting”. I agree that the point of using these tools is all about multi-modal literacy and communication- “we need to teach students how to read words, images, sounds, video”
[slideshare id=98292&doc=literacy-remixed-in-a-web-20-world632&w=425]
Very true. We need students who are able to function in a world where they need to be literate in so many different ways. Judy does a good job of showing this in her presentation. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
It’s a nice presentation, but I agree that the teens are not necessarily “literate” just because they are “content producers.”
We’re doing a “reading film” series of lessons right now (Kurosawa’s _Ran_ in prep for _King Lear_), and I’m amazed at how poorly these advanced English students are “reading” the dialogue, the plot, the imagery, the camera work, etc.
I have had a similar experience with my advanced English class. It’s something that a find highly problematic with the whole “digital native” construct. Just because students are comfortable with technology does not mean that they are magically sophisticated when it comes to analysing literary or visual techniques in the work of others or are able to use these devices in their own compositions. I find that while numerous students are able to identify a particular technique, few are able to analyse its effect in terms of purpose and audience (the why instead of what questions).
I guess it’s all about using technological tools, read/write web, digital film making etc. to help students be writers and film makers rather than learning about writing and film making
BTW sounds like a cool unit…