Clay Burell has set up a new high school wiki for the 1001 Flat World Tales ’08 project that will link students from Korea, Honolulu, Australia (X2) and Atlanta. This project follows the inaugural Flat World Tales project last year and is an innovative way to introduce students and teachers to the benefits of a purposeful, collaborative and international project. Most importantly, the focus is on literacy, storytelling and the process of writing. I can’t wait!!!
1001 Flat World Tales (HS) is part of an overarching K-12 project, with primary (elementary), middle and high school groups working together to produce a collection of original student writing that reflects the cultures of participants from across the globe. You can check out selected stories from ’07 here.
Here’s an overview from the first project wiki FAQ:
“What is The 1001 Flat World Tales Project?
This project takes the traditional language arts “Writing Workshop” into the 21st Century in three easy (but radical) ways:
- it replaces pencil and paper (or MS Word) drafting, revising, and peer editing with a better (and more simple) writing tool: a wiki;
- it expands the options for peer response and peer editing beyond the walls of your classroom–and your clock, city, nation, and culture–by enabling peer feedback, editing, and connection with students from around the world;
- it replaces the “authentic” publishing of the 20th century classroom–hallways, newsletters, literary journals, etc–with authentic publishing in the 1001 Flat World Tales “blook”: a potentially endless series of stories from students around the world, inter-linked on individual student blogs.